Welcome to Fountain County Ambulance and Rescue
Fountain County Ambulance and Rescue service proudly serve the Fountain County Indiana residents. Fountain County EMS provides the high-quality patient care and compassion you have grown to expect. FCEMS and its patient care providers genuinely care about you and your family and are always ready to respond in an emergency. FCEMS has 2 stations with 3 ambulances and a rescue unit in service at all times, 24/7, 365 days a year. Be assured, in your time of need the best Emergency medical technicians, Advanced emergency medical technicians and Paramedics will be responding quickly to your side.
If you are experiencing an emergency call 911 immediately!
Job Applications
To apply for a job with us please follow the link below
Training & Certificates
We provide a number of different training programs from first aid to EMT certifications.